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Tell Me Again Why You Cant Work Meme

I'll be honest, I always liked the concept backside

Just a few clicks and a client tin place an lodge with a freelancer based on a specific ready of deliverables.

Piece of cake peasy, right?

Sure, but information technology comes at a cost. A big one.

This is one the few freelance platforms where buyers are given costless reign to corruption, threaten and outright blackmail sellers whatever way they similar.

Why? Because Fiverr plow a blind heart to it.

In this post, I want to share a recent bad experience every bit a seller on Fiverr, and why I decided to give up on the platform altogether.

UPDATE: I'm pleased to say, after several years of putting up with Fiverr'south platform and their incompetent staff, my girlfriend has finally launched her own graphic design service, BlankPalette.

How A Regular Order Rapidly Turned Into A Hostage State of affairs

While I've been using Fiverr myself (on and off) for a while, this particular experience relates to my girlfriend'southward account, non my own .

(I've been advising her on edifice up a reputable account, and how to become above and beyond with every last order. Everything stated is her doing, I'thou just an observer.)

In this case, she had only gotten another $five lodge on her logo gig, which seemed to be like any other… or and then we thought.

The club was fulfilled in good time, and my girlfriend had even included a bonus logo concept also as the source file (which is usually function of the more expensive package).

The client "loved" one of the concepts and so we proceeded to send her the appropriates file sizes, as stated in the gig description.

Soon subsequently, things got a little weird.

The client came back asking for a social media kit to go with the logo, something that is clearly non offered as office of her gig.

Confronting my advice, my girlfriend decided to deliver the additional work, despite not getting paid whatsoever extra for information technology.

After that, the client responded with even more demands and some changes to the social media files.

At this point, she agreed enough was enough.

Despite every effort to please this person, they were clearly overstepping their boundaries here.

So, she sent the customer a polite bulletin:

The next reply was the boom in the coffin.

This is when the client went from simply overstepping boundaries to unquestionable blackmail. (The equivalent of taking my girlfriend's Fiverr reputation hostage.)

F*cking icky.

While she took some time to ponder a response and reach out to Fiverr support for assistance, the client did eventually get ahead and leave a 1 star review.

Presumably this was to show her he/she wasn't kidding.

Soon afterward, while nevertheless waiting on Fiverr'south response to the support query, the customer paid an extra $x for the social media kit.

Of course, the payment was accompanied by yet another threat.

At this bespeak, all I wanted to do was go all Liam Neeson and hunt this person down so I could repeatedly punch them in the face.

(Seriously, I would accept paid good money for the privilege.)

But, at the time, I still had hope that Fiverr support would step in and rescue my girlfriend from this PITA client.

Enter The *Almighty* Fiverr Support Team

When the response came dorsum from Fiverr back up, they told her they couldn't force the heir-apparent to accept the order.

Okay, that's fair enough. (Even though the buyer already accepted it, technically.)

They also suggested drawing upward a listing for the heir-apparent to show the work has been completed in accordance to the gig requirements.

Honestly, this respond just didn't cut the mustard.

My girlfriend communicated in her initial email that the customer was trying to extort her for free work outside the agreed terms, past leaving a negative review if she didn't comply.

Of course, it wasn't really almost the work, information technology was about seeking protection from an calumniating client who was blatantly pushing their luck.

Their reply didn't give either of us any conviction that Fiverr really understood that, and even at this stage we felt similar they didn't want to get involved.

Here was her reply to Fiverr:

At the same fourth dimension, she also responded to the buyers latest threat, explaining that she would non go on to piece of work with them unless the feedback was changed/removed.

(Once again, this is feedback that was clearly and intentionally left to groovy her into providing work outside of the agreed terms.)

A fair request past anyones standards, correct?

Well, apparently non.

Rather than acknowledge what the buyer had done upwardly until this point, Fiverr immediately turned the tables on my girlfriend.

Turns out, she  was the one breaking all the rules.

Considering she had asked the client to modify their feedback, she was no longer entitled to any help from Fiverr support.

You can imagine how we both felt reading this.

Everything that the buyer had said and washed prior to her last message was at present being swept nether the rug — as if never happened at all.

Fiverr essentially chose to support a manipulative bully, leaving my girlfriend with a permanent stain on an account she'd worked so hard to build up.

Case closed.

What a f*cking joke.

Think This Was Just A Ane-Off? Think Once again.

If everything that happened wasn't upsetting enough, it's knowing that this person is still running rampant on Fiverr, preying on defensless sellers without a shred of repercussion.

And believe me, there are plenty of buyers doing exactly this on Fiverr, knowing they can and will get away with information technology.

How practise I know?

Well, equally all of this was happening, I did some research to see if any other sellers went through a similar ordeal with a buyer.

Very quickly, I plant a number of most identical cases on the Fiverr forum dated years back. (that'southward correct, years.)

Like this one:

And this…

And this…

I could continue, but I won't.

This is conspicuously something that'due south been going on for a long time and information technology all stems from giving buyers too much ability over sellers.

If at that place's one affair I've learned about Fiverr, it'southward that clients are E'er more than valued than freelancers.

Doesn't matter how much fourth dimension you put into a project, or how hard you worked on it, or even how well you handled communication during a dispute, when it actually comes downwardly to it…

…freelancers accept little to no protection.

Even when it's a clear cutting example in your favour, there'south yet every chance the customer will come up out on top. All it takes it one tiny matter you "did wrong" co-ordinate to their terms of service and EVERYTHING else is disregarded

The worst function?

Looking at the prove, it's obvious to me that Fiverr is well aware of what's going on, still iseven so willing to sit dorsum and let it happen.

Tut, tut.

A Terminal Message To Fiverr…

If you lot're a decision maker at Fiverr and y'all're reading this, I implore y'all to seriously reconsider your current back up procedures for freelancers.

It's not right that someone can put all that time and try into building up an business relationship and over-delivering at every possible opportunity, simply to be shot down by the very people you lot rely on to protect you lot.

Await, I don't desire to abandon Fiverr.

I don't want to be telling people to avert your platform.

But afterward everything that has happened, you haven't left me whatever choice.

Until something is done to protect freelancers from this kind of corruption, I volition continue to spread this post and practice any I can to forbid others from falling victim to your one-sided support squad.

The 2nd you actually do something near information technology and requite freelancers a manner to fight back, I'll exist more than happy to update the post.

Tell Me Again Why You Cant Work Meme
